
About Coach “Jedi Jason”

Business success &  Wealth CoacH

You’re not going to achieve the level of success and wealth you want without hard work, systems, and financial literacy. As an entrepreneur, we create businesses to do more than create a job for ourselves, and sometimes our families. We create businesses to build wealth, leave a legacy for our children, and create our dream lifestyle. I became a business coach to help entrepreneurs like you realize that DREAM.  

Coach “Jedi Jason”
Jason Oswald – My Story

I’m Jason Oswald, an entrepreneur with a passion for helping others achieve success.

I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was young – mowing lawns, raking leaves, selling stickers and candy on the bus. I started my first successful company at the age of 20 and have been helping people achieve their own entrepreneurial dreams ever since.

I’m the founder of several successful businesses, including a chocolate company that produces “Wine Infused Confections” as well as an online and digital marketing agency that specializes in branding, lead generation and conversion to name a few.

Whether you are starting your first business or looking to scale your existing business, I would love the opportunity to be your personal Business Success Coach. 

One of my driving forces in business is to help others achive their goals. 

I left corporate America over 20 years ago and haven’t looked back. I’m excited to share my knowledge and potentially help you cut the cord from the 9-5 grind or take your business to the next level.


“From fulfilling to freedom!”

  Why Work With Me?


1. Your comfort zone becomes your enemy.

Being comfortable has never lead anyone to being successful, creating wealth, or creating the lifestyle they dream of. Through our coaching sessions we will decipher what your comfort zone is then break all the barriers holding you there.


2. A Coach That Cares About Your Success! 

The old saying is that no one cares about your business as much as you do. In this case, we are slapping this old saying in the face and kicking it out. My top priority is your success and the profitability of your business. This isn’t a one way relationship, we’re in this together.  My Goal is to Help You “Make More Money  & Keep More!…. I consider your success, my success.  

3. Accountability Partner

Being a business owner can sometimes be a lonely place and it’s easy to get off track if no one’s holding you accountable.  As your coach,  I can’t set your goals for you, however, I can help you strategize a plan and help you stick to it.

4. Success Systems.

A business becomes a success by implementing great systems. From admin, to lead generation, to sales, we will work together hand and hand on building the system your business needs to thrive and the systems you need to gain the freedom you dream of.

5. Financial Foundations & Literacy.

Financial literacy is about more than just personal credit and how to manage a budget. Financing a business is a huge undertaking and setting up your financials for cashflow, profit, and growth success is key. With over 25 years in the financial industry, as your coach, I share with you several tools to help insure you’ll be successful in all areas of your business, including financial. 

6. CashFlow.

At the end of the day, every entrepreneur wants to make more money, and I’m sure that’s the case with you. Fact is managing your cashflow is the quickest way to see more profit in your pocket. One of our main focuses is to help you Increase Clients & Improve Cashflow to help your business succeed.

7. You’ll make more money.

The old saying is it takes money to make money. While in todays business environment it is easier than ever to create a business and make money with relatively little effort or expenses, the old saying is still true. Hiring a Business Coach is about helping you Make More Money & Keep More of it. Through our coaching sessions we will help you achieve this by showing you how to Increase Customers & Cashflow and generate several additional streams of income and more. 

8. Marketing.

One of the scariest topics and tasks for most entrepreneurs is marketing. We typically shy away from this because, simply put, we don’t understand it. The other reason is that when we think about marketing we typically only associate it with running ad’s and that’s where things really get scary for those of us who just don’t know what to do or think we don’t have the money to do it. The goal here is to develop your entire marketing plan so that it is efficient and brings you the biggest ROI (return on investment). 

9. Valuation and Exit Strategy.

The most overlooked aspect of creating a business is figuring out your exit strategy. Fact is we won’t run our businesses forever. When we are ready to retire what will happen? Will the business close? Will we hand it down to our children? What if our children don’t want to work in the family business? We must figure out how we intend to exit and that helps us build a business that is profitable that gives us the ability to exit. The second part of that is, if our exit strategy is to one day sell the business then we must know how valuable the business is, that is the valuation of the business. We will dive deep into both of these topics to give you the best possible outcome regardless of what you decide your exit strategy is. Keep in mind exit strategy should be considered for the business and individual projects.

10. You’ll hear unbiased opinions.

One great thing about having a business coach is that he or she knows more about you than your business and will likely have no biases without your industry or company. This provides a great forum for unbiased advice based on your concerns as a leader. Good business coaches can lead founders to “aha!” moments and uncover solutions that people close to the business may overlook.

What I Can Do For Your Business












(404) 777-0710



225 Reformation Parkway, Suite 200,
Canton Georgia 30114